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Roma, Luned́ 18 maggio - Conferenza Internazionale organizzata dalla Fondazione Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile e dal Center for American Progress

Sala della Lupa - Camera dei Deputati - Piazza Montecitorio

h.9.00 Registration

h.9,45 Introductory remarks
Francesco Rutelli, President CFS

h. 10.00 - Perspectives from the New Emerging Economies: Bridging the GAP between Developed and Developing World.

Chair: Gianni Vernetti, MP
- Christine Loh, CEO, Civic Exchange, Hong Kong
- Jiahua Pan, Executive Director, Research Center for Sustainable Development, People Republic of China
- Leena Srivastava, Executive Director “The Energy and Resources Institute”, Delhi, India
- Harunobu Yonenaga, MP Head of Environment Dpt, Democratic Party of Japan

h.11,00 The Italian perspectives: from the G8 to the Copenaghen Summit

Chair: Fabio Granata, MP
- Stefania Prestigiacomo, Minister for the Environment, Italy
- Paolo Scaroni, CEO Eni
- Vittorio Prodi, MEP
- Roberto Della Seta, MP
- Marzio Galeotti, Filippo Giorgi, Alessandro Lanza, Scientific Committee CFS

h.11.30 Keynote Address: The New Politics of Climate Change
- Anthony Giddens, former Director London School of Economics

h.12.00 New Engines of Growth: Towards a Green New Deal

Chair: Matt Browne, Senior Fellow and Director of Global Progress Program, Center for American Progress
- Jake Caldwell, Director of Policy for Energy, Center for American Progress
- Matthew Lockwood, Senior Research Fellow, Climate change, Institute for Public Policy Research. UK
- Ralf Fucks, President Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin

Sarà disponibile traduzione simultanea in Inglese, Francese e Italiano.
English, French, Italian simultaneous translation will be available.

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