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Al-qaeda (29)
America (56)
Berlusconi (56)
Blair (61)
Brown (83)
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Ue (81)
Unione Europea (37)
Usa (228)


Il ringraziamento della Fabian Society alla Critica Sociale
La lettera di Tim Gore dopo la NYC 2008 e nuovo appuntamenti

Fabian ‘Change the World' Conference

Dear Critica Sociale,

This is just a short note to thank Critica Sociale for partnering us on the Fabian ‘Change the World' conference. We were delighted that more than 700 people attended the event, which continues to generate coverage in the media, most notably on the pages of Comment is Free, where David Lammy MP, Polly Toynbee, John Kampfner and others have followed up their contributions to the conference at  Short event reports from each of the conference sessions are available on our website at, along with the full transcript of the David Miliband speech and q&a session. Over time we will be having each of the sessions transcribed, but if you want to check any details from any session in the meantime, feel free to let me know and I can pass the relevant tape on to you. We have received really positive feedback from attendees, who were impressed with the range and quality of the speakers and debates during the day. We certainly felt that the speakers that our international partners brought to the event added real value to the discussions. Similarly, many of the conference speakers have noted the high quality contributions from audience members throughout the day. We hope that this has been a useful partnership from Critica Sociale‘s perspective. We would be keen to meet up to discuss your thoughts about the event and how we might continue to work together in some of the areas covered in the conference in future. Please don't hesitate to get in touch to arrange a ‘de-briefing' meeting, or to send me any immediate thoughts you might have. Clearly the Fabians' work on global issues doesn't stop here, and we will be keen to continue to engage with our international partners in working in this area over the coming year. With thanks again for all your support for this conference and all best wishes,  

Tim Gore
Fabian Society