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Intervista al segretario generale della Nato, Scheffer

di novaja gazeta del 22 marzo 2007

In May, Russia and NATO will note double century in a joint history. .Ten years ago, the leaders of the then sixteen NATO countries and the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin signed in Paris Founding Act on the principles of relations. .Five years ago, the first person has nineteen members of the Western military alliance, and President Vladimir Putin at the military base Pratika-di-mare in Rome adopted the Rome Declaration on Partnership and created the Russia-NATO.In June this year, it will hold a commemorative meeting for the first time in Moscow.

They were the subject of talks with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer who in his office's own correspondent of the Novaya Gazeta. "

When it -paty head of NATO, which I have been in this office, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer zagibayet fingers on the arm : "Werner, Claes, Solana, Robertson, I ...". The whole history of NATO in the wake of the Cold War.

Dutch journalist Robert van de Ruhr, well acquainted with Scheffer, described the devastation, which he suffered in 2000. Daughter Carolina, a successful student of the Faculty of Law, invited parents in the coffee shop to get a new boyfriend. It turned out to patlaty English type with serga ear in a year over the Hoop and has four married. He spoke of his regular profession chose astrologiu, with courses already employed on a cruise ship gadatelem persuading and going up Carolina with a ...

All of this has been drawn television programme Bananasplit ", which lifted daughter, and from beginning to end, it has been shown Dutch television. Van de Ruhr described the event as an illustration Iron Scheffer himself, his ability to contain emotions even in moments of shock. 

I reminded Kofi NATO on the episode.

You seem nervous, and then in a conversation with journalists on many occasions reiterated the word "disappointed." ?What is the atmosphere changed in the five years since the warm May afternoon Pratika-di-mare?

—  I think that in Munich President Putin was unfair in the assessment of the relations between NATO and Russia. Therefore, I said that disappointed. That was my first reaction. .Secondly, I noted a discrepancy, the gap between what we actually do, and done in the framework of the NATO-Russia Coun...

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