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Intervista al segretario generale della Nato, Scheffer

di novaja gazeta del 22 marzo 2007

(pagina 2)

... cil (NRC) and the stringent criticism. And now believe so. I would be completely on his side, if he said that we have lacked ambition.If you decide that this is on the road to recovery reached a plateau, it must use the anniversary as a pretext for a new start from the plateau beyond the top.And they can do so in the spirit of what I have called keywords our relations : "constructive mutual obligations." Moreover, we have had with Putin common love for labradoram..He had dark, and I have too. This creates some connection.

In Russia painfully sreagirovali the plans of the United States to deploy elements of its missile defence system in the Czech Republic and Poland.Since few people make a distinction between NATO and the NATO countries, it has been more confusion in the various draft treaty.How many of them, at what stages are, and whether among themselves?

—  I see no particular confusion in the Russian press, and see a complete rejection. .And it reflects only critical of the Russian leadership. I saw little that wrote about the visits of General Henry Oberinga (chapters PRO dollars) in Brussels and its reports on the Russia-NATO ( "New" to the reporter. ). We have twice discussed the topic at the NRC .In April meet at its extended meeting with the experts who will be coming from the NATO countries and Russia, and will be discussing for the third time. If you are asking if this is in the working agenda of the NRC, I do declare : Yes. .We proceed from the premise that there should be as much transparency. This is a widely known and openly discussed the positions of all parties.

What's going on here? USA began bilateral talks with the Polish and Czech allies on the construction of the radar in the Czech Republic and the missiles in Poland against missile threats from the "problem" nations. No attitude to Russia, the Russian missile systems it is not because we do not believe the threat of Russia, and Russia's deterrent capacity is such that the potential of the Treaty with the match. ...

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