A MANCHESTER PARLA GORDON BROWN L'intervento alla Conference del Labour Party
(pagina 8)
... And David Miliband, Douglas Alexander and I will do everything in our power to bring justice and democracy, to Burma, to Zimbabwe and to Darfur.And I promise you I will work with other countries to bring a permanent settlement - a secure Israel and a viable Palestine - to deliver peace for the people of the Middle East.And this week at Britain's request the United Nations has summoned the leaders of the world to a special summit on what we know is a global poverty emergency.You know, in the museum in Rwanda which commemorates the millions who lost their lives as the world looked the other way, there is a picture of a young boy called David - a ten year old who was tortured to death. His last words were "don't worry - the United Nations will come for us".But we never did. That child believed the best of us only to discover that the pieties repeated so often meant in reality nothing at all. The words "never again" became just a slogan and not what it should be - the crucible in which are values are tested. I tell you, this Labour government will not allow the world to stand by as more than 20,000 children die today from diseases we know how to cure. We will not pass by as 100 million men, women and children face a winter of starvation.So the poor will not go unheard tomorrow at the United Nations, because we the British people will speak up for them and for justice.The fair society. Fairness at home. Fairness in the world - that's the new settlement for new times.I know what I believe.I know who I am.I know what I want to do in this job.And I know that the way to deal with tough times is to face them down.Stay true to your beliefs.Understand that all the attacks, all the polls, all the headlines, all the criticism, it's all worth it, if in doing this job I make life better for one child, one family, one community.Because this job is not about me, it's about you.And I'll tell you what else I've learned - that tough times don't weaken the determination of people who believe in what they're doing but strengthen our resolve.You know when I talk to the people who do the tough jobs - nurses, teachers, police officers, soldiers, carers - about why they do what they do, so often they say to me "because I want to make a difference".And doesn't each of us want to say of ourselves:That I helped someone in need.That I come to the aid of a neighbour in distress.That I will not pass by on the other side.That I will give of myself for something bigger than myself.And each of us can make a contribution - but together we are even more than that. United we are a great movement led by hopes not fears, gathered person by person - one individual, and then a few more, then hundreds, then thousands, then finally millions strong, a movement where I want each of us to say to each other:This is our country, Britain. We are building it together, together we are making it greater;Together we are building the fair society in this place and in this generation.The mission of our times- the fair society, the cause that drives us on - and we will win, not for the sake of our party, together we will win for the future of our country.
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